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but how many points did I get on the test

what is my grade

did I pass or not 😫
RT @bigbabytex
new quiz dropped

RT @thesravaka
this should not be a broadly relatable image. it's just so clear that there are no adults left in the room.

each time I see it come up, I cannot believe people keep falling for Gen Z's whole "Helen Keller was totally not real" thing.

we're too young to be punked this hard, come on, get it together. wanting so hard to prove the kids are dumb that you end up being dumber
RT @jamie2181
So this is terrifying. History teacher discussing major events with Gen Z students.

protip: ditch the powdered hot cocoa mixes. heat up a mug of milk then melt in chocolate chips, cocoa powder, and of course marshmallows. WAY more chocolatey and rich that way.

also yes I know these marshmallows are bigger than ideal here but oh well

7 y/o: when I was little, "lanyard" meant those colorful plastic woven things we'd all make. I was obsessed w/ them and had several that I treated as "dolls". laying in bed at night, I'd play out little puppet shows using them, on a small ledge on the wall next to my bed.

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RT @Brkbru
The recently discovered new species: the green Capybara, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris viridis.
Una nueva especie, rexcientemente descubierto: el carpincho con rayas verdes.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one