this is basically how it works yeah
RT @Virtual1nstinct
if you can convince a stray cat to like you you can convince a girl to like you the process is identical
twitter discovers the concept of conventional beauty standards
or maybe it's a conspiracy. it's probably a conspiracy.
RT @delaroess
online famous girls actually do have distinct physiognomy don’t pretend you haven’t noticed
kinda miss walking out of the stall in club bathrooms & making a beeline for the sink to check my nose in the mirror & rinse off before the bathroom attendant sees me
RT @Thinkwert
Moist towelette, sir? mints? cologne?mouthwash? cigarettes?
this is what calling me a g**d g*rl does to my brain just fyi
RT @04119__snail
unapologetic. hard to kill. feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy.