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I think "goddamnit I've still got all that polyfill and LED lights in my closet, I've been wanting to make these kinda clouds for like half a year now and still haven't gotten around to it"
RT @lindawgtwitch
you go into a girls room for the first time & it looks like this what do you immediately think be honest

have you ever read the poetry of the great airbending Guru Laghima?

why do people manufacture, buy, and use ugly dice? 🤔 just get pretty and/or unique dice wtf it's not hard

the decluttering effort continues. please observe:

dice I'm keeping vs. dice I'm getting rid of

I think to myself every once in a while before remembering I have barely any capacity or ability for story-telling


... I'm really glad that worked. those would've been terrible last words.

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it's important to work towards creating a space between thoughts/feelings (I feel angry, I feel envious, this person is awful, etc) and reactive behavior (e.g. lashing out at them). work towards processing your thoughts and feelings rather than just immediately reacting.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one