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currently eating Dunkaroos & thinking about how people experience cultural nostalgia in 2 different ways. for some, it's straightforward nostalgia — cultural artifacts that remind them of (& make them long for) a different, perhaps "simpler", time (usually their childhood).

RT @leaacta
I've actually never written a compiler because I was too busy being cool & normal

RT @IainFletcher8
@jordanbpeterson I mean if your ideas fit neatly into the mouth of a supervillain you might wanna take a moment and think about that.

(there are, of course, other reasons to be against genetically engineering babies to be smarter — I'm only talking about the one, here)

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"we shouldn't genetically engineer babies to be smarter b/c the rich will get to do it first" is a really crabs-in-a-bucket mentality. the same mentality that opposes automation b/c it'll take away jobs. is temporarily unequal progress *actually* worse than no progress at all?

RT @ollybot_redux
category more like cat egregor-y amirite

RT @keccers
I’m still in awe that Oatly created super sugar grain juice, cut it with canola oil, and then successfully used (amazing) marketing to convince everyone that no, this is Good

this is libel
RT @cheascake
I ate a kiwi one time when I was nine and never ate another.
Come and get me, kiwi enthusiasts.

RT @a_yawning_cat
the son is raised right when he does not have to spend the first 30 years of his life trying to prove himself

the daughter is raised right when she does not have to spend the first 30 years of her life life trying to find love

they make mobile ads that form borders around the page now. almost had a fight or flight response when it slid in from all sides jfc please go back to the 90s where you belong

RT @intelworkers
We're Intelligence workers. We've been organizing in secret for over a year.

This evening, we're announcing , the first union open to *all* workers at any US-based intelligence or counter-intelligence agency.

Every worker deserves a union—including intelligence workers.✊

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a Schelling point for those who seek one