corporations are magickal; formed from arcane incantations of an ancient guild's learned practitioners, they shape the physical realm according to designs of the unseen world

people enter into bargains w/ them, accepting binds in exchange for power; they are as real as you or I

a corporation, once invoked, takes on a life of its own; it contracts agents to further its goals, fulfilling its hidden agenda

the originators often have no power once maturity is reached; their subsequent workings require some higher power should they desire to intervene

corporations are beings of magick; they can reproduce, change form at will, conceal their nature & even meld with others of their kind to attain greater powers

should you find yourself dealing w/ one, ensure you follow the rituals; read every contract they offer, assuming naught


corporations are memes writ large upon the world; springing fully formed from the minds of men, neuronal activation patterns turned socioeconomic

tend to your memetic gardens, lest you let some weed take root; one never knows which may escape and wreck havok upon the world

@pee_zombie see anything I've posted with #corporatedictatorship or #elysium . That #movie is the most instructive metaphor for how the proletariat needs to surveil and exterminate the boards of directors, like in #dogma...a level of cooperation of which humans (as distinct from the #speciestraitors to be exterminated) are incapable.

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