absolute banger of a 🧵on the limitations of ideology and hegemonic applications thereof, in relation to the spiritual role of the self

VV's done it again folks
RT @VividVoid_
🧵Everyone Is A World 🧵

A thread about humanism, education, ideology, change, criticism, and the fact that space is love.

Let me explain.

particularly liked this one; attachment to illusory forms is the root of much suffering, and the only way out is to confront the dynamic nature of reality; everything is process, there is no form

RT @VividVoid_
See that there is no natural state of the world - it is an impossibly complex web of beautiful, brutal situations that are being reinvented anew, in the present moment, over and over again. Learn to accept it - and give it l…


I've written a bit re: how ideology shapes/guides the structure of one's thoughts & the various pathologies it can generate; institutions captured by a given ideological frame are even more vulnerable to these failure modes than individuals are

RT @pee_zombie
similar to how your vision is filtered & shaped by your perceptive apparatus, your beliefs and observations are interpreted through your epistemic exoskeleton, ie your ideolog…

take care with your belief structures, for they use you as much as you use them. there is no memetic free lunch; each meme you let inside your mind is a gamble against cordyception. over a long-enough time horizon, no one is immune.

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