
>it is brutal, it is beautiful, it is business as usual

it's only natural when you think you've uncovered some major esoteric insight, to want to share it w/ the world, to open others' eyes the ways yours have been; but consider, perhaps, why they did not seek it out themselves.
RT @VividVoid_
I think there's a point in the spiritual journey where almost everyone thinks:

If I can do this, the whole world can do this! We can chang…

it is, in fact, unkind to deprive people of their harmless delusions, esp when they're load-bearing. I'm certainly no stranger to wanting to perceive Truth at all costs, but to force this onto others is a deeply selfish act. let people live their lies.

RT @pee_zombie
Please Do Not Uplift the Normies; They Are Comfortable, Happy, & Their Favorite Music Is Playing

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a Schelling point for those who seek one