hyperreality entails the reification of abstractions, which themselves are recursive simulacra, removed from the L0 concept thru an iterative process of self-reference

this state is brought about & accelerated by the growth requirements of corporations, which require a frontier
RT @UndeniablyAlex
Yankee Candle's Stages of Abstraction

Level 1: The scent represents a physical object where the object's aroma is one of its distinc…


accelerating growth necessitates perpetual access to new markets, the discovery of new territory upon which to stake a market share claim

when all known markets have been saturated, what is left but to create new ones?

abstraction begets virtuality

RT @pee_zombie
pioneers are establishment-aversive novelty-seeking agents, repulsed by existing structures & attracted to new inputs. when the frontier is over the horizon, the directi…

virtuality is the stuff of the hyperreal, the fabric of the higher planes in which simulacra reside; it can be located in relation to real space along the dimension of abstraction

there are many ways to abstract from any given situation, & a corresponding virtual plane for each

each of these Yankee Candles can be understood as a holograph, a multidimensional capture of some aspect of reality; some are simple in their caching pattern, but the higher up the abstraction stack they go, the more esoteric their mapping from ground is

RT @pee_zombie
a holograph is a cache, a recording of an object observed in a specific way. it can be arbitrarily complex, potentially encoding a v large subset of a system's state…

the Yankee Candle corporation is actively engaging in ontological engineering to generate a virtual market frontier, willing into being product configuration space; their abstractions trace out the schema of the next battlefield they will face their competitors on

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a Schelling point for those who seek one