
this ideological attractor is a dangerous tendency among the spiritually nihilistic, those who live by fear instead of hope; too many of the brilliant people I know are stuck in this developmental dead end; this degrowth mindset is the seed of the antispiral
RT @deepfates
I have some friends who are future oriented and into space, AI, etc. but they've bought into the academic/activist left worldview and it clearly causes them a great…

the nature of life is to ceaselessly struggle against entropy, to desperately fight for survival in a cold inhospitable universe, carve out a niche from the chaotic cosmos; this is élan vital, life force, spiral power, w/e you call it; the will to go on.

RT @pee_zombie
homeostasis is the pursuit of biological ergodicity by living beings, an attempt to perpetually stave off the cessation of optionality, the halting state; in this wa…

Gurren Lagann is not just one of the best anime of all time, but also a major source of my personal spiritual inspiration. the concept of the antispiral comes from the show, a reification of the degrowth impulse discussed in the OP. survival requires risk

RT @pee_zombie
@architectonyx the antispiral is the primary antagonist of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann anime series

it represents the opposite of spiral power, aka life energy,…

I see those who'd hold back human progress out of fear, tribalism, politics, or depression, as my spiritual enemies; there cannot be agreement btwn us when our values are so fundamentally divergent; enabling the flourishing of life is the greatest goal.

RT @pee_zombie
those who push for radical action to green the world would have to advocate for nuclear for any hope of reducing emissions quickly enough

however, most of them don't…

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a Schelling point for those who seek one