in true form I spent way too long overthinking what this prompt even means and ended up more confused than when I started
but here are a few
in this one, a tortured man processes his pain by transmuting it into love
RT @liminal_warmth
Summarize your life philosophy in 1-3 gifs challenge
itachi was ahead of his time
RT @4chanGreentxts
Anon experiences future comedy
RT @Estries1
Explain your politics without downloading any new pictures
the experience machine only seems to be a quandary if one accepts hedonism as a coherent philosophy; it is trivially resolvable with an examination of values and some understanding of cybernetics. the machine is effectively a reward system hijacker, an adversarial generator.
RT @Merryweatherey
I wrote a comic about the fate of humanity!
RT @eigenrobot
rt 🔒
do as thou wilt
this tree was chopped down shortly after, presumably due to pedestrian complaints regarding the plentiful harvest it deposited on the sidewalk
beauty never lasts
RT @pee_zombie
it's mulberry season bitches and I know where all the trees in my hood are
for about a year or so I've been systematically blocking any Twitter ad shown to me which I found uninteresting or banal
over time this has caused Twitter to get much more creative in what it shows me; I now mostly see cool technical ads, weird small brands, & sometimes... this
RT @MagnaAdam
The true timeline of humankind; starting off with #Adam, the father of all people.
Yes, we were once giants at around 30 m in height!
Yes, #D…
damn he's kinda freaky but he do be saying that good shit tho
RT @william__knight
Your state of being consists of your thoughts, habits & diet. Start by repeating this affirmation daily even if it feels unnatural, you must reprogram your Subconscious Mind.
RT @VividVoid_
"people who believe in magic crystals are stupid" he tweeted into his illuminated smartphone, a device made of silicon and glass through which the hearts of nations are moved and the collected whole of humanity's knowledge and pathos can be instantly augured across any distance
I wanted to say something clever about this but have been forced to hard-reset due to a contextual-density-induced black hole collapse in my brain so am currently head empty
RT @Chromasophore
if mathematics was written by lawyers the "reasonable person" standard would severely limit the space of possible results
RT @chaosprime
implausible, i know
what I find rather interesting is the implicit assumption that ableism is bad; like, yes, ok, this is obviously ableism, there's no debating this. but is it bad? isn't what's bad about it the potential actions which might be taken as a result of the hierarchical ranking?
RT @biologistimo
I deleted this tweet because someone called me in on how “unintelligent” can also be ableist. Like all insults of intelligence, it reinforces sys…
most ironically, it is that very struggle preventing us from achieving our goals; the intensity of our efforts is inversely proportional to their success
the Joke is that if we stop trying in this way, we usually get what we want
nondoing is a bitch
RT @pee_zombie
some call this wu wei, some call it the Alexander technique, some call it action gradient descent through simulated annealing, but at its core all it is is shutting the…
one of these is the illusion of control, which is something I like to call the Great Cosmic Joke
much of our suffering comes from a desperate attempt to simply WILL our minds into a certain shape, to magically jump the state space minima btwn where we are & where we ought to be