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claiming that one might only dislike a certain thing if they're a deeply broken person is not very cozy

feeding the drama fire is not very cozy

making unrelated people the butt of your clique's joke is not very cozy

not having the courage of your convictions is not very cozy

the opportunity for self-transcendence is present in ever banal moment

RT @pee_zombie
zen practitioners understand that the goal of practicing a zen art is simultaneously in the perception of the practice, and the pathway to the transcendent that opens up through the practice

passion and self-actualization is quite similar in structure

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stepping into ur power by becoming ur own senpai is the only path to self-actualization; realizing that no one but urself is capable of giving you permission to embody ur divine aspect, releases u from seeking external validation
RT @visakanv
I’ve been thinking about this re: the idea of “royal touch”. People still do this today with celebrities, hoping senpai will notice them

the epistemic landscape is highly adversarial and must be traversed with a defensive posture

RT @deepfates
If you're comfortable applying a critique of objectivity to your beliefs, comfortable with the possibility they might be negated, then we can talk magic.

If your beliefs are too fragile or previous to be investigated, they're sus

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the way people form themselves into alliances historically shifts from physical proximity, to memetic proximity, to epistemic proximity; each reorganizes people along different lines & enables new coordinative affordances

how you know things matters

RT @pee_zombie
epistemic alignment, not object-level belief or even axiomatic or values alignment, is the strongest indicator of long-term interpersonal compatibility

"how you go abou…

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this conflict is the core problem driving the historical dialectic of epistemic architecture;

the centralization into modernism, the intensification of high modernism, the subsequent collapse into post-modernism, & the various currently competing heirs

RT @pee_zombie
cynicism aside, the collapse of high modernism into PM has many parallels, such as the negation of the "end of science" by blackbody radiation & relativity

the spli…

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the difference in requisite approach per context is the root of this conflict; unless one is explicit about which context they're making truth claims within, everyone hears something different

epistemic consensus is necessary for productive collaboration; science gets this right

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a context can be:
0. an ephemeral self-concept
1. your time-coherent higher self
2. the social reality of some group
3. some slice of physical reality
4. the entirety of the universe (?)

the appropriate level of epistemic rigor varies greatly across these contextual tiers

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a belief is true if it has utility within some bounded context; the tricky parts are in
1. where to draw the contextual bounds
2. how to produce an absolute truth value

the problem is that reality can be gerrymandered to make any belief useful, & its unclear how to rank contexts
RT @Aella_Girl
just cause something is an ancient tradition practiced over hundreds of years by smart people does *not* mean it's right
it's not very hard …

they project a friendly persona custom-designed to appeal to one's preferences, and when granted trust, exploit the relationship for their own gain, effectively operating as a parasite

keep this in mind when being friendly w/ internet personas; how much should you trust them?

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some malware functions by presenting an informational surface conforming to a system's expectations for a good-faith counterparty & upon being accepted into the high-trust circle within the system boundary, abusing its privileges to extract value

certain people are like this too

breathing space into the gap between stimulus and response is the first step on the path to self transcendence
RT @nosilverv
If you can conquer space between craving and acting on the craving then you can hold the craving and start investigating it, its qualities, what it is like, whats like to hold it or let it go or go into it, what it does, …

zen practitioners understand that the goal of practicing a zen art is simultaneously in the perception of the practice, and the pathway to the transcendent that opens up through the practice

passion and self-actualization is quite similar in structure
RT @nosilverv
This is literally the actualization of @jordanbpeterson’s message

particularly this part is especially important to me, the metacognitive skill necessary to delineate epistemic contexts. I don't think I could ever trust someone who can't do this, and engages with risky beliefs

RT @Aella_Girl
When I'm around people where I feel comfortable they know how to keep their frames separate, where understanding of physics remains intact, then I personally feel comfortable talking and interacting in very m…

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basically identical to my own position; astrology as metaphysics? gunna back away slowly. astrology as divination technique/fun social game? ok we can hang!
RT @Aella_Girl
I unapologetically view people who literally believe the stars/planets can predict unrelated things on earth as uniquely bad at thinking (moreso than many other strange beliefs)
But if you don't literally believe this, then astrology seems like it could be really …

Schelling point identification test
RT @nosilverv
Choose the one that has been chosen the most

PSA never meet your mutuals

interacting IRL will provide way too many data points, allowing them to simulate you in sufficient detail to craft painfully accurate burns

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a Schelling point for those who seek one