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twitter xp 

realizing that the part of me that wants to adopt cats is the same part that enjoys being annoyed at girls

twitter xp 

telling cats what is and isn't a toy really makes you confront your ontology

like is toyness in creator intent or player utility? does having fun with a sandwich wrapper transmute it into a toy? does disinterest in pet shop products make them less toy-like?

quite the toy story

twitter xp 

oh wow interesting that my Twitter reply to the cross-post was cross-posted back here... the possibilities

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twitter xp 

damn the automatic splitting of toots into tweets on crossposting is convenient but kind of ugly... is it worth adding some UI indication to masto to help prevent this 🤔

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A nervous DDR4 RDIMM walks into a bar. Bartender asks what's wrong. "I'm okay, just feeling a bit off."

I really dug this post by a friend about his art workflow (wherein he uses GAN image generators as a time-saving technique but still spends eight hours in photoshop finishing up sketches)

using image diffusion for dream journaling is a brilliant idea and I'm salty I didn't come up with it first

might even be useful for interactively aiding recall due to the way these systems hallucinate upon ambiguity

this future of machine-assisted cognition heralds a great Rewinding of the Mind

[superintelligence looking at geoguessr] so this looks like it's gonna be divergence of stress tensor is zero [click] i'll take it

We recommend routing all your network traffic through our infrastructure.

:promoted: Promoted

Introducing the first alpha release of Mastodon 3.11 for Workgroups!

Available for Windows 95 :BlobhajShock:

twitter xp 

I would urge you all to consider these points and make your own choices in line with your goals and priorities

but I will also nudge towards an action for bias; trying something new, albeit imperfect, can better inform future choices

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twitter xp 

as the admin, I can indeed do all the mentioned things & more; this is why federated systems require a huge amount of trust at the moment, and are not suited for private applications

that being said, is this meaningfully worse than the Twitter status quo?

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twitter xp 

this is all completely true and important to consider; Mastodon and the greater fediverse at large are a good stepping stone, but are not good long term solutions in their current form. we need to evolve the ActivityPub protocol to have native support for content encryption
RT @dystopiabreaker
i see there’s a lot of new interest from the general public in Mastodon. before jumping over, you should know that mastodon is split int…

A reminder that Twitter was not made as you see it today. At the start it was literally an SMS frontend. It didn't have concepts like threads, DMs, groups, privacy (ha!), blocking, muting or any of that crap. ALL THAT GREW ORGANICALLY - at first just as conventions, later adopted.

We will figure out how to use Mastodon. And some of those ways will be adopted officially (whatever that means!). This is our place. We'll shape it. Give it time.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one