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the obvious answer is to hoist the reviewers one level of abstraction higher and have then train models instead
RT @ShackletonCI
If you aren't in the SF/F industry this tweet might not look like a big deal.
This is a crisis.
Clarkesworld is the fastest/most efficient publisher for responding to story submissions (also one of the best-paying).
They have been overwhelmed by AI-generated spam.…
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slow the fuck down, figure out why you can't sit still, and lower your expectations for yourself
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oscillations between extremes entail a regulatory pathology and require both the implementation of some damping function as well a systemic intervention to identify the root cause of the instability and a relaxation of conflicting constraints
RT @vivianisvulgar
socialize too much → burn out → hermit mode → go stir crazy → socialize too much → burn out → hermit mode → go stir crazy → socialize too much → burn out → hermit mode → …
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hyperfinancialization is the accelerationist's approach to the unique set of circumstances facing us; by biting the bullet of class stratification we achieve the computational efficiencies bridging us across this looming catastrophe
it's coordination problems all the way down
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what sort of mind will our society need to survive the looming informational apocalypse? we find ourselves traversing multiple singularities across domains; what sort of cybernetic refactor need we together undergo to become robust against its trials?
RT @pee_zombie
wherein one distills their essence to a set of values/beliefs/heuristics and uploads to the noosphere in whatever form most accessible to them, be it literary, corporat…
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this problem space is structurally similar to that of cognitive architecture, as both fall within the domain of cybernetics; a society is a mind writ large, and as such manifests the same sort of dynamics & pathologies a human does
RT @pee_zombie
cognitive architecture is the name of this game; how does one structure their mind such that they are maximally adaptable? what tradeoffs are acceptable to achieve this? and for whom is th…
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often those who oppose market mechanisms instead advocate for policy/enforcement-based solutions. while these work in certain settings, their core challenge is that they face the central planning problem: the state cannot be everywhere at once
RT @pee_zombie
money is the secret sauce that enables this decentralized capability; it is the medium thru which information flows, the luminous aether of the economy
a fungible intermediate…
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while some resent the financialization of the world, it's, on the contrary, a very good thing; an at-scale society is a massively complex system, requiring many more regulatory controls to keep parameters within bounds
the requisite compute power scales nonlinearly
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so much of the modern world is inefficient and kafkaesque precisely bc of the lack thereof; every interaction point between multiple systems is inherently a market, but typically a private and inefficient one, not allowing for competition or price discovery, allowing for rackets
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finance is unsavory only when it's visible; everyone knows its uncouth to talk too much about money. just like the plumbing, it should quietly work in the background w/o us having to speak of it.
ubiquitous microtransactions will bring us into the glorious hypercapitalist future
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this is even beneficial for the anticar crusaders, who resent the portion of their tax money that maintains the road infrastructure; you can monetize them using these same rails! pay a toll to enter, tax the priority fees.
financialization allows for alignment of incentives
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you can even preconfigure a general policy for these situations to avoid the need for instantaneous decision making
this will naturally generalize to a pay-to-play state of the road w/ non-emergency vehicles utilizing the same infrastructure
is this bad, good? it's inevitable.
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imagine 10 years down the line when most cars will have some smarts & be networked & self-driving to some degree; you hear sirens, and your car asks you if you're willing to yield, for an immediate transfer of BTC, paid by the priority-seeker. if you accept, your car pulls over
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as the former erodes w/ the fracturing of society & the notion of a single cohesive public opinion, a different foundation will be needed to enable this sort of coordination
I expect a market mechanism to take its place, vehicles bidding for priority
RT @pee_zombie
we do seem to be missing a Purpose Narrative as a society, here in the decadent West; most people seem to not really have any notion of what its all for, what we're wor…
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this system features two kinds of consensus:
the implicit expectations of citizenhood, which serve the purpose of establishing a shared moral foundation
and emergent local consensus, wherein independent agents make decisions to yield the way, giving an illusion of premeditation
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my favorite way to think about people is just as extremely efficient and organic databases
RT @bit_christ
My favorite way to think about neural networks is just as extremely efficient and organic databases.
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a question establishes a frame and then holds space for it to be contemplated
RT @impractknow
The (second) shortest philosophy paper has got into an issue