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"i'm going to do <normal, common, thing> to own the <group which prefers not to do that thing> ha ha owned <prejorative for group>" is an incredibly lazy way to and, being the right's culture-war modus operandi overall, contributes to why the left is broadly winning

y'all really should thank me for being more lazy than I am spiteful (nowadays), bc I could do a great job of being super annoying about calling myself queer. not bc I'm super gay or anything but as a weirdly technical semantic argument based on lifestyle & relation to society

kind of surprised to not have seen anyone here tweet about AGI alignment through metta meditation advocacy yet, is ingroup ok or

petty? yes. I am relitigating high school by projecting every hater I've ever had onto the PR author, leave me alone

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very little gives me greater joy than a lengthy PR smackdown based on legitimate technical concerns. fuck you I'm not supporting this, try again

can you all please stop doing bad transhumanism (yours, dumb) and instead do good transhumanism (mine, smart)

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pretty disappointing to see this take up any discursive space, at all
RT @ESYudkowsky
Among the weirder side effects of denying the physical possibility of Artificial General Intelligence, superintelligence, and molecular nanotechnology, is thinking that UFOs could be aliens. Which, I mean, if those are your wacky premises, enjoy your wacky conclusion.

me when people I'm walking with get annoyed at me stopping for every cool plant
RT @TeawithTolkien
people mad at Tolkien for his lengthy descriptions of trees simply don’t appreciate trees enough

you've heard of hexagon, now consider SUPER HEXAGON
RT @Lithros
@cheascake hexagon is my favorite regular polygon

type of guy who goes on walks as an excuse to listen to his bird site pals' podcasts

type of guy who's ethically non-monogamous, but bc no one wants to date him once they find out he's a utilitarian

interviewed a guy today and was more impressed by his 3 huge monsteras than his technical qualifications, call that hire by vibe

you can, actually, with self coercion; this is good, bc otherwise civilized society would be impossible, bc how can you rely on someone that can't keep their word reliably?
RT @nickcammarata
How do schedules make any sense if we can’t schedule feelings

egregores as memetic VMs, allowing Great Projects to transcend the limitations of a single lifetime
RT @Foone
do you ever think about how a VM can run for longer than the host machine it's running on, thanks to being able to suspend and resume it?

me and who
RT @yuanyi_z
Deleting the dating apps to meet someone the old fashioned way (through a loveless dynastic marriage which will secure My succession and expand My dominions.)

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a Schelling point for those who seek one