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a broader q is how does twitter manipulating the information landscape of their platform differ from every other information campaign waged by every other political actor? what meaningfully differentiates it from political advertising or lobbying? are those election interference?

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twitter xp 

twitter is not a govt institution nor a part of the electoral process

you can argue its a "public forum" but it's a private company and the rules for those haven't changed last time I checked

mb a nationalized public forum should exist but it ain't this and hence is irrelevant

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twitter xp 

the real question is not whether there was "shadowbanning" but whether such a thing would constitute election interference, the obvious answer to which is lmfao ofc not
RT @elonmusk
@stillgray @bariweiss Yes

twitter xp 

dorky-ass way of saying "I like the person I am when I'm with her"

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being around her causes me to defect against hyperself less often
RT @eurydicelives
what is wife material to you; no physical attributes allowed

twitter xp 

how you gunna make a girl laugh if you can't even amuse yourself
RT @0x49fa98
if you aren't cracking up over your own tweets you are tweeting wrong

twitter xp 

procrastination is the snooze button of self-actualization

twitter xp 

not the future I expected but I'm not complaining

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twitter xp 

incredibly transhumanist to casually get ads for a prosthetic arm

twitter xp 

intellectual insecurity is just spicy epistemic humility

twitter xp 

historicity is lowkey goated when chasm-crossing is the vibe

RT @pee_zombie
generally speaking, turning up the temperature is a good strategy for exploring complex optimization landscapes with poor global visibility, as it allows you to escape local maxima by catalyzing chasm-crossing

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twitter xp 

generally speaking I deeply resent how this sort of contortion has become so commonplace that you get weird looks if you don't praise the emperor's new clothes

we've forgotten to design against ugliness

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allowlist is objectionable not only on antiwoke grounds but more importantly on aesthetic ones; whitelist rolls off the tongue much smoother than that awkward linguistic astroturf

twitter xp 

floor sleeping is lowkey goated when back health is the vibe

twitter xp 

reminiscent of a precocious but highly credulous child insistent on Following the Rules but easily persuaded that This Time It's Different
RT @ESYudkowsky
It took humanity 80 years but we have finally invented computer security that can be bypassed with polite but firm insistence

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a Schelling point for those who seek one