the first time the olam/עלם relationship was explained to me i knew they Get It

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there are strong distinctions between the two which i have discussed heatedly with friends late at night many times. but at least i can disagree with someone who is talking my language

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all of my favourite western philosophers are outsider jewish and i think this is because their thinking is grounded in צמצום which intuitively maps to my understanding of पुरुष binding to प्रकृति

shamefully going to cross post this bc it’s funny

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it is dawn, yet the sun already singes the sand. it seems to smoke angrily, perhaps just a trick of the shimmering air. there is a thick quietness, save for the gentle sigh of the land as horned lizards burrow into it, drunk on heat. i sip my tea, and think to myself (in fluent darija) how nice it would be in a small garden awash with temperate breeze, looking into an enchanted slab of glass containing conversant phantoms of my friends, on a phantom-container named after an extinct elephant

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gm everyone. enjoying some morrocan green mint tea to start the day. i am imagining i am a merchant of date wine, making the long trek to baghdad with only the thin saharan horizon as my compass, with only my faithful camel raoul for company

@hermes imagining you listening to some 5000 word treatise on the silk road whilst patiently waiting on the 14th floor of skyscraper with an extreme long range rifle

@peltzie this makes both oedipus and t.rexes cooler

latter is obviously more economically sound but who cares

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should i incubate further in education or be cleansed through meaningful labour

something deeply perverse to me about hacking together a worldview as a means towards action/discipline/other goal-oriented thing. i would much rather grow a worldview based on experience and faith, and allow whatever doing or non-doing that results to happen

@0bviouSquirre1 tbh i work entirely locally in a ~/Projects folder just for cloned repos. but i think replit integrates directly into your github if you want to edit your stuff in the browser

@junobrum @KanekoTheKoolio @0bviouSquirre1 you definitely should! i’m not in tech and it wasn’t too difficult. there’s step by step instructions on the linked website and just lmk if you have any questions

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a Schelling point for those who seek one