@niplav yeah and generally you don't have to! what's different though is that if your car breaks its quite easy to give it to a mechanic to fix it, less so for a server..
I wonder how much more likely is raspberry pi to start a fire than a router or fridge if running 24/7/365 lollmao!! Although given the smollness it would probably not be a big deal anyway if it’s in a safe place.. #noxp
@changeling @newt @scathach yeah I second the point that if they get around your rules they passed their initiation rites! And still, exposing children to computers that don’t pretend they’re magic boxes and training attention span on long texts (easy access to books and wiki) seems like a good idea
I remember playing some attack on titan titan killing simulator which had absolutely wild 3D action and physics for a flash game with separate control of your wires and attack direction..
Forgot the name too!
is there even a convenient way to pass 2D arrays with variable columns/rows as arguments to a function in C
@niplav in that range would you consider used ones? And do you expect to haul it around or be used as a main computer? I have a strong preference towards light laptops and had good experience with zenbook ux305CA. Beware - ram not upgradable, no fan, no type C.