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RT @alexeyguzey
@leopoldasch exactly like humans

RT @emollick
🤯🤯Well this is something else.

GPT-4 passes basically every exam. And doesn't just pass...
The Bar Exam: 90%
LSAT: 88%
GRE Quantitative: 80%, Verbal: 99%
Every AP, the SAT...

RT @ianhussey
Please note that you cannot infer that this subtweet is about you because that would be conditioning on the subtweet, which is inferentially problematic.

RT @StuartJRitchie
Pretty much *the No.1* thing you learn NOT to do in science/statistics is to look at graphs that have similar lines and then imply that one thing must be causing the other.

But now loads of very smart people are doing just this, and everyone is nodding along! What's going on!?

I would be interested to hear what someone who knows more about quantile regression thinks about this @alexpghayes @PHuenermund

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thanks to @smartin2018, whose LMMSELM package gets an honorary mention, for comments

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New blog post on the Killingsworth, Kahneman, Mellers paper and censored mixed effects location-scale models.
TLDR: sampling error, censoring, and heterogeneous within-subject variance could all bias the KKM estimates. Better models exist (with brms)

RT @maltoesermalte
Thinking deeply is an irregular verb:
I think deeply
You nitpick
He/she [depends on if I like them]
We think deeply
You all are bullies
They [depends]

I don't think there's nothing substantive to these trends, but, man, I don't trust that gang with their thirst for monocausal explanations to get to the bottom of this or anything else really.

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Ah yes, the good old "we tried chopping up the data many ways to find a specific three-way-interaction we had in mind". You love to see it in 2023.

Working with Malte is wonderful! If this project interests you, apply, if it doesn't consider developing an interest so you can apply.
RT @maltoesermalte
Job opportunity at my lab in a project on privacy in mental health apps, done in collaboration with the Clinical Psych and Psychotherapy division (Thomas Berger). Starts in July, funding for 4 years. If you like open science and research methods, please apply until March 31. ht…

RT @ehudkar
@dingding_peng This is cursed.
so I redid the facet titles

in which @Aella_Girl is an exemplary collider, which, all things considered, probably is something she aspires to
RT @the100ci
New post! Are representative samples redundant at best? @dingding_peng investigates 3 scenarios: estimating a prevalence, estimating a causal effect in an experiment, and estimating a causal effect (or a correlation!) in an observational study.

RT @annemscheel
Helpful quality content from @dingding_peng as usual, featuring The Law of @lakens' Guidelines (footnote 13)

RT @the100ci
New post! Are representative samples redundant at best? @dingding_peng investigates 3 scenarios: estimating a prevalence, estimating a causal effect in an experiment, and estimating a causal effect (or a correlation!) in an observational study.

OK, time to spill it: When you prompt ChatGPT with a Stackoverflow question template to get help with R programming, whose name do you put in as the person answering?

RT @dingding_peng
@rlmcelreath I'm terribly sorry Richard but I saw two of your tweets in close succession and then this just sort of happened.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one