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RT @_StevenFan
@TurtlingB @MuteDialog @warmbott @TurboRational @yung_shishtov @ESYudkowsky trans rat

RT @moyix
The latest generation of adversarial image attacks is, uh, somewhat simpler to carry out

This kind of bs is harmful b/c it devalues the meaning of words: if everything is white supremacist, then maybe white supremacy isn't that bad after all?!

Why would this org want to make constructive dialog impossible? - Power and profit.

But I'm a counter-revolutionary.
RT @EPoe187
1. Beyond bonkers, beyond parody, this math program, funded partially by Bill and Melinda Gates, attempts to rid mathematics classrooms of "white suprema…

North Korean cyberpunk anyone??

(Album cover @Amaranthemetal )

RT @TomerUllman
I gave OpenAI's GPT-3 nine classic thought experiments in the format Title/Description/Question, and had it produce new ones.

I give you, Thoughtless Experiments.

RT @jessesingal
Left is the New York Times' description of the Google Memo in its piece on Slate Star Codex. Right are some direct quotes from the version of the memo Gizmodo published. I don't understand how someone could get this so wrong in 2021, but it obviously warrants correction.

RT @binarybits
This is a remarkable level of dishonesty from the Times. Scott Alexander once expressed agreement with Charles Murray on a topic unrelated to race and IQ. The Times wrote a paragraph strongly implying Alexander endorsed Murray's views on race and IQ.

My god. People are so weird!
RT @nosilverv
You been on wallstreetbets? cool, cool, we'll pay you 200k a year to meme with us

RT @florianederer
1) Name the demand function under which this is optimal pricing.

2) Discuss the marginal price for the 7th pretzel.

The ACLU liberating facts from the oppression of rational observation.

After all, it's just as much a matter of personal identity, isn't it?!? Alternative facts, maybe?
FACT TWO: Trans athletes do not have an unfair advantage in sports.

If sarcasm was a person.
RT @atrupar
It's the plane of today" -- Psaki dismisses a question about if Biden plans to keep the Space Force

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a Schelling point for those who seek one