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RT @GyroStable
Calling all Gyronauts! Gyroscope is hiring a senior smart contract engineer and a lead front-end engineer. Email us at if you want more information!

🤔 If the tax only applies to her personal income (not the family's), this should also help with gender equality.
RT @Lukewearechange
Where my Hungarian ladies AT!!!!

RT @triskweline
@paulg Behold... the Drawer of Infinite Donkeys.

RT @GyroStable
Gyroscope is hiring! We’re looking for a senior smart contract engineer and a lead frontend engineer. Come and join us to build the next generation stablecoin.

Senior smart contract engineer:
Lead frontend engineer:

I am very, very confused. I'm also 50:50 that I'm missing a level of irony here.

RT @aklamun
Another flawed design for a stablecoin has failed and I’d like to explain why. This one is essentially the next iteration of basis/esd/esdv2/nubits so really this isn’t too surprising 🙃

Just found this gem. It's a real problem when not everything you say is recorded & made searchable all the time. - How are people gonna know (& prove!) if you actually said something bad??
RT @Bugs_Meany
The term "accountability" is constantly used without any reference 'to whom' people/thing are accountable *to*

the concept means nothing without specifying what institution or value-system people have made any obligation to


RT @economeager
Ok so chapter 12 of “Noise” by Kahneman, Sibony and Sunstein contains a repeated, incorrect claim about stats / causality: the claim that no correlation implies no causation. Easy to disprove this claim, no math needed, see my next tweet.

The great thing about latex is that it separates content and presentation.

Breaking: a simple iterative scheme is actually pretty good, anecdotally, at solving routing problems.
RT @AlampayDavis
This is fucking insane

This is just such a confusing statement from a black-hat group. What's happened to our criminals?!?

Wait what, equity is equality of outcome?! Have I been using this wrong the whole time?? 😳
(also, the image doesn't fit to e.o.)
RT @realchrisrufo
Disney tells employees they should reject “equality,” or “equal treatment,” and instead strive for “equity,” or “the equality of outcome.” They must “reflect” on America’s “racist infrastructure” and “think carefully about whether or not [their] wealth” is derived from racism.

RT @aklamun
Weekend activity: Play Level 2⃣ of the Gyroscope gamified testnet and earn your Gyronaut NFT 🧑‍🚀

RT @hotgirlhala
so google disabled my account that i used to make my folder with educational content on Palestine, i.e the drive folder that i had linked in my bio

God help us all…
RT @JanelleCShane
@RiversHaveWings This is "A classic deep dream image of dogs" as interpreted by @eps696's CLIP+FFT

Our society is currently in the process of transitioning from a guilt culture to a shame culture. At least, online.
RT @egregirls
wtf is that island of fear up north and why

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a Schelling point for those who seek one