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Wait what, equity is equality of outcome?! Have I been using this wrong the whole time?? 😳
(also, the image doesn't fit to e.o.)
RT @realchrisrufo
Disney tells employees they should reject “equality,” or “equal treatment,” and instead strive for “equity,” or “the equality of outcome.” They must “reflect” on America’s “racist infrastructure” and “think carefully about whether or not [their] wealth” is derived from racism.

My god, do people actually teach this racist nonsense? Is this real?!?
RT @paulg
"You cringe when you read that it’s a microaggression to say "there is only one race, the human race." That’s something your grandmother always says. Her father, who survived several concentration camps, used to say that, too."

RT @aklamun
Weekend activity: Play Level 2⃣ of the Gyroscope gamified testnet and earn your Gyronaut NFT 🧑‍🚀

What do you call a meme (Dawkins) that exerts power via the group that identifies with it?

Ideology seems close, but doesn't sound quite right.

RT @nosilverv
Why do you give priority to your conscious self reflective self as more real or primary than your pure animal being acting self that you regard as secondary? why not reverse?

RT @damiancodes
@thingskatedid WHAT DO WE WANT

Idk the quality of their opinions, but this is not a propaganda video. YT, as usual, doesn't bother to explain themselves.
So our default should be too assume they ban whatever content they feel like with *no* rationale.

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Wtf corp censorship!?
RT @politicalmath
This is insane

YouTube is specifically censoring American politicians for *agreeing* with European scientists and policy makers b/c that agreement is rejected by the American left

Idea: Dvorak-style optimized keyboard layout, but for vim commands instead of English.

🤯 life hack!
RT @BellaRudd1
have tried causing the problem so that way you're in control of the situation?

RT @hotgirlhala
so google disabled my account that i used to make my folder with educational content on Palestine, i.e the drive folder that i had linked in my bio

"The universal humanist fantasy looks surprisingly like a barista." - Nick Land.

Or maybe GPT-3. Is Nick Land an AI? Perhaps that one Microsoft Experiment gone rogue? people: Does anyone else have issues with images not loading in Tusky? Wondering if it might be a server issue.

God help us all…
RT @JanelleCShane
@RiversHaveWings This is "A classic deep dream image of dogs" as interpreted by @eps696's CLIP+FFT

Our society is currently in the process of transitioning from a guilt culture to a shame culture. At least, online.
RT @egregirls
wtf is that island of fear up north and why

This is a striking example of algorithmic bias. We tend to believe that algorithmic results are "not perfect, but reasonable", but these are just totally off.
RT @gwenckatz
Colorization APIs are becoming widespread; AI-colorized historical photos are circulated without caveat. But is AI colorization providing an accurate image of the past? To find out, I digitally desaturated these color photos by Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky, taken betwee…

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a Schelling point for those who seek one