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RT @GyroStable
Happy to see our ideas from @GyroStable spread across the wider ecosystem! That’s the point of sharing ideas openly.

Gyro’s ambition has been to make DeFi stronger by creating a next-gen SC. This necessarily involves complex designs to balance a space of countless SC trade-offs.

No hastags = normal tweet.
1 hashtag = sarcastic tweet.
> 1 hashtag = omfg, def an ad, completely useless, block them, their followers, and their family.

One issue is that people really only need one dose at a time, so individual quantities will be very small, making the whole op a bit inefficient. OTOH there should be comparatively large willingness to pay, so it's prob fine.

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🤔 Texas abortion pill darknet black market 🤔

Wow. This was by far my most successful tweet yet. I take from this that I should def be tweeting more about politics right?? What could possibly go wrong?!

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Day after the election in Germany. Suicide ("Selbstmord") is trending on Twitter.

The problem with larger-than-life public figures is: they're just not.

Nature suggests I cite people based on gender. Isn't that kind of... the opposite... of where we want to go?

Not sure who is getting trolled here, but this is a thing of beauty! 😂😂
RT @TitaniaMcGrath
Thank you @sciam for publishing my article on the problematic nature of Star Wars and the term “Jedi”.

I am particularly grateful that I was allowed to use five pseudonyms, one for each of my genders.

Lol what?!?
RT @OrinKerr
Provider-deleted files and contents are not protected by the Stored Comm's Act, DDC rules per MJ Faruqui. In effect, if a provider moderates contents, all private messages and e-mails deleted can be freely disclosed and are no longer private.


i have no house and i must clean

Wanted: Cyberpunk story where social ills don't arise from corporates' greed, but from their sheer incompetence in face of the complexity of a digital society. (the result being the same)

TIL that Facebook took effective measures against human trafficking after Apple threatened to prevent all iPhone users from using FB.

So that's.... good... I guess?

"He is more ill-conducted than the wild beasts of his barbarous homeland" - Tertullian on Marcion, and also my new favorite insult.

RT @aklamun
Still a little time to get your Gyro 🧑‍🚀🐸 NFT, which can be your seat to participate in Gyro

Daily macro theory tweet.
RT @jaybny
@brian_armstrong @jack only Bitcoins inflation rate is deflationary. New bitcoins get created every 10 minutes approximately. i'm sure you know this. @jack is correct. is the answer to op.

Part of me begins to think maybe it's actually a *bad* idea to replace one by the other?! 😱

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So I just listened to the WSJ's *shocking revelations* about Facebook's whitelist, and I almost feel like the actions of a private company cannot be held to the same standard as the rule of law in a modern democracy. 😱

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a Schelling point for those who seek one