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...*sigh* me and who
RT @ipsumkyle
daniel and taylor typing out this exchange in bed next to each other, giggling as people post screenshots and take sides

So excited to see the Happier Lives Institute thinking about how we could test some of these questions!
RT @MichaelDPlant
Can we trust happiness surveys? Is my 7/10 = your 7/10? Is going from a 2->3 = to 6->7?

While researchers assume yes, the evidence is scarce.

@HappierLivesIns, we ran a 50-question pilot survey (n=128) (

RT @jonathancarson_
Today, I'm releasing a free, curated course called Nervous System Fundamentals 💊

It's designed to teach you the basics of nervous system regulation, Polyvagal Theory, interoception, breathwork + a whole lot more.

Link in thread 👇

There is no expected response time to replies. You can reply whenever you want. We're all shouting into the void, when the void shouts back it is a gift not an expectation.
RT @univrsw3th4rt
mfw when i suddenly recall a reply from 5 days ago i forgot to respond to

also did not get murdered and had such a great time with puheenix. learned a lot about astrology and performing. he's also going to vibecamp so you should try to meet up with him!!

also had this great convo with my brother when he wanted to check up on me
RT @puheenix
had my first ever irl meetup with a moot today (@ohwizenedtortle) and did not get murdered, 100% need to do this more

also he is awesome

I just donated $1500 AUD to help combat malaria.

Because I donated via my local tax deductible EA organisation it doesn't appear on the fundraising page. So in lieu of being able to make the number go up, I'd like some praise please 😇.
RT @givingwhatwecan
Devastatingly, malaria kills one child every minute. We have just launched our campaign to combat this serious disease.

You can help save lives by donating to our

RT @datepsych
Beauty standards are out of control and unattainable! Women want us to grow hair all over our bodies, live in the woods and fight the Sheriff of Nottingham!

Who played neopets when they were young and what neopets did you have?

I used have a grundo, something about being designed to be evil minions and now being lost and needing someone to love them really spoke to me as a kid 🥲.
RT @shebloomsslow
@QiaochuYuan @visakanv where are the neopians undercover? 👋🏻
what if you search “neopets” ?
also how do you search only in your follows? 👀

for some reason i really like saying "OK" when I start a new bullet in my journalling

Cathay Pacific offers "Liquid Diet Meal" lfgggggg (let's f**king go get good gulping goop, girlies)"

I would like to tag like nearly all of my EA friends who're off doing EA stuff
RT @bstract_thot
tag your artist friends. tag everyone

someone needs to do a like series of these so it's like:
- type the year you were born into Twitter gif
- type the year you had your first crush into Twitter gif
- type the year you got your first smartphone into Twitter gif
- type the year you had your first kiss
RT @jessicamalonso
Type the year you turned 10 into Twitter gif

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a Schelling point for those who seek one