someone bap me if tomorrow lunchtime i haven't called or done something that's a better idea
OK deep breaths
they're not going to call me stupid if I ask suboptimal questions or volunteer suboptimal information
Email sent
Email FUCKING sent this is it I'm going to buy life insurance and transfer it to CI and I'm going to BE IMMORTAL and it's a BALL ROLLING DOWNHILL
response to email recieved; phone call with insurance broker scheduled
preliminary phone call 📞✅💪
sent off the survey to insurance broker with my demographic + health info 👍📋
oops I thought the next call was this week but it's next week instead 🤭
next call has happened, I got some quotes on the price! 💷 i can get 80k whole life cover, sufficient for cryonics institute, for 50 per month 📈❄ lets gooo
joining Cryonics UK; i've sent them the membership fee and have emailed them asking for a form 📋
next call with life insurance is tomorrow
a Schelling point for those who seek one