some call CRT & idpol in general "social marxism"; this is a clumsy term, painting w/ too broad a brush. however, it does have some truth to it, in that the ideological predecessor of CRT is Lysenkoism, aka the Soviet flavor of blank-slatism
they both involve motivated reasoning
RT @ne0agent1c
if we want to be very precise, "race" is simply a coarse classification of human groups by their degree of common descent
"naïve" groupings…
CRT leverages blank-slatism precisely for this socioeconomic epigenetic argument structure; rather than being caused by any sort of inherent differences, all divergent outcomes can instead be attributed to outside factors, namely intersections of oppression, systemic injustices
like Stalin's USSR, the American woke, the baizou, started from a set of political goals (reparations, full equity, abolishment of extant power structures), influenced by pre-existing ideological currents, then adopted & subverted the ideology to prop up their goals' validity