Hey just letting all my followers here know that @Exxulansis is now on Masto. Great account all around.

@GemmaStone Heeey! Hi, it's me, oknaomi / okultra woman from hellsite dot bird

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Land Crawler, an amphibious powersuit, suitable for a cuttlefish

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Seen: "Under a libertarian system... they'd hire some mercs to assault your factory."

What is this Cyberpunk libertarianism, and where can I read more stories set in this world?

Okay Masto followers, does anyone have an idea why I can follow accounts from other instances but not this one ?


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Over on the birdsite — do i have this lingo right? 😏 — a sex worker friend brings up a good question: what are the most SW friendly Mastodon instances? Anyone know?

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It's fun to watch all the mastobabies have their first instance drama. Oh no poopoo.ninja is a Nazi instance because they said "touch grass"? Oh now you're calling the poc lesbian admin of banana.boat a colonizer? You kids have fun.

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Weird starship names generated by neural net software.

Yes, they sound like something out of an Iain Banks "The Culture" novel



a Schelling point for those who seek one