Hey just letting all my followers here know that @Exxulansis is now on Masto. Great account all around.

@Topopolian Inexcusable. Remarkably he refused to unsuspend my Oknaomi alt because it was mean to Eliza Bloo affiliated activist org

He really seems to be deciding based on snu snu lol

@GemmaStone Heeey! Hi, it's me, oknaomi / okultra woman from hellsite dot bird

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Land Crawler, an amphibious powersuit, suitable for a cuttlefish

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@WomanCorn I kinda think that regardless of degree of "libertarianism" per se, the moment you drop policing below some level people would probably start doing stuff like that. Communists just generally believe that won't happen due to Gattungswesen magic

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Seen: "Under a libertarian system... they'd hire some mercs to assault your factory."

What is this Cyberpunk libertarianism, and where can I read more stories set in this world?

@Richard_Littler @scarfolk

It pops up a window asking for my mastodon account link, then asks for email and password.

First time I ever got this behavior on Mastodon.

Okay Masto followers, does anyone have an idea why I can follow accounts from other instances but not this one ?


@scarfolk I don't seem to be able to follow you like other mastodon accounts. Any idea why is that?

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@r000t Dunno man, I think it's complicated. Exposure can both aggravate and ameliorate hostility, I think they did some research into that with fairly intricate findings, may try to re-find it

@crschmidt @enbrown Like, setting up a masto with good opsec in a good country is something even I can do.

Protecting it from being taken down by a bunch of cretins who can google "site stress test buy"without having a moderately decent budget ? Not so much

@crschmidt @enbrown I kinda think the problem is that you can't have a good DDOS protection on a budget without Cloudflare (There are options but they're pricyer) and Cloudflare really ain't wanna stick up for sex work

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Over on the birdsite — do i have this lingo right? 😏 — a sex worker friend brings up a good question: what are the most SW friendly Mastodon instances? Anyone know?

@WomanCorn Yeah, the dumdum has expired somehow despite me setting it to "never"

bit.do/Okayest-Discord should work now

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a Schelling point for those who seek one