No. Not unless they actually enjoy it. In my utility function, comfort ranks higher than fashion.

My wife has this. Having looked into it some, it may mean that you are slightly on the autism spectrum.

This bout makes twice. Thankfully neither of them very severe.

I love the crossover between the Dungeons and Dragons type of nerd and the computer programmer type of nerd because, when I see words like Elixir and Cast and Portal, I'm often not sure which community I've stumbled upon without further information.
Can I ask what problem you were working on here?

I have some experience with a reputable medical school and I regret to inform you that, filtering for Original Thought™ capabilities would hurt the bottom line too severely to be a workable solution, even if it is obviously the right one.

I've got this crazy idea to create RTK navigating drones (either flying or driving) to regenerate large swaths of land. I think all of the tech already exists. It only remains to be seen whether or not this hyper-focus runs its course before I get anywhere. 🤣

I'm starting to try and learn QGIS as a vastly overkill method of calculating keylines and swales for broadacre permaculture. Mostly it is an excuse to learn the software and Python coding.


a Schelling point for those who seek one