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Hello again friends! Sorry I've been away for so long. Does anyone have any interesting information about social systems design? To be more specific: how spaces influence group and individual behavior, and how rulesets, discovery, and user matching influence group behavior (like on social media sites)?

JCorvinus boosted

Which brings me to a warning.

Tempting as it can be, under no circumstances should you use the instructions I’ve provided here to assemble your own personal arm of crows to carry out acts of unspeakable evil—or even to wage justified campaigns of retribution against your enemies.

Crows are wise birds, and they will catch own quickly. Once your crow army realizes that your seeming friendship is merely an instrumental ploy to harness their power to your own ends, may God help you—for I cannot.

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JCorvinus boosted

Modern computer users do not want to discover things, they want things to be obvious and to just work, because the child has been beaten out of them. If you design for these people in mind you are doing them a disservice by denying them the opportunity for adventure.

Trying to drop Disney IP into an AI art model to poison the data set and get IP lawyers into the fight is small potatoes

Some day an angry artist is going to find a way to get ITAR protected data into an art gen model and then shit is really gonna go down

@mutual_ayyde There was also an element of 'changing human nature threatens to upend all the work on building stable institutions that have been fine-tuned for human nature,' which is kinda true but it is a pessimistic prediction of how humans will distill and morph their nature going forward

One thing I find amusing is how the great defender of liberal democracy, Fukuyama, called transhumanism 'the world's most dangerous idea' despite the fact that, in its initial conditions at least, transhumanism imported so very heavily from liberal humanism. Given how near total pluralism flows from transhumanism, almost necessarily, it might be the most liberal idea in existence

twitter xp 

@pee_zombie So if I'm reading you correctly - your definition of 'social contagion' is purely about propagation effects? The adoption of the printing press would count, yes?

@WomanCorn leap motion's hand tracker went from unusable to magic, all thanks to software updates

JCorvinus boosted

My new world "Morph your friends" has been published to #vrchat ! This world can manipulate every avatar's vertices, making everyone in the room chonky, wide, twisted, and much more! You can check it out here:

One thing that really struck me while watching the monkeys use BCI in the neuralink presentation is that animal uplifting is going to be enabled _purely as a result_ of testing & development of this tech. Imagine being able to put a voice box on a crow or dolphin eventually

JCorvinus boosted

I published a #VRChat world that got out of labs in a record time.. 3hrs!

A cozy bedroom in the retrowave style equipped for a classic homeworld, this was done in ~10hrs for a world Jam!

Featuring 800+ videos, fully controllable screen & projector, props, playlists & more!

"Retrowave Cove" is fully compatible for #Quest and made with #Blender & #Unity
[24mb] Enjoy ^^

Preview (slightly outdated):

JCorvinus boosted

Can we rename all speculative bubbles to stock overflow?

Thankful for all my internet friends
I hope it's nice and comfy inside the glowing rectangle

JCorvinus boosted

Optimist: The glass is ½ full.
Pessimist: The glass is ½ empty.
Excel: The glass is January 2nd.

anyways, as is glaringly obvious: all my homies are body freedom maxis

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a Schelling point for those who seek one