I vaguely remember there being some stats trick where like if you know distributions random variables X, Y, and X*Y or something you can find stuff about the relationship between X and Y

If so interested in this because let X = total EA spending, Y = EA meta spending, then we could elicit the effectiveness of EA meta spending (+$1 to meta = +$X in overall funding) from prediction markets or superforecasters

idk if I’m just making this up tho

@TetraspaceGrouping I don't know how this would work, but if you find out, please post, bc it sounds interesting

@niplav The NLRG answered on twitter: twitter.com/NLRG_/status/14409

E[XY] - E[X]E[Y] is the covariance (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covarian), and the covariance divided by the variance of X squared is the gradient of the linear regression (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_l)

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