Pareto improvement proposal:
- Russia pays Ukraine $100bn
- LPR and DPR become independent
- Ukraine calls a new election in which Russian citizens are treated as Ukrainian for the purposes of campaigning/financing

This is better for Ukraine because before they would get all the bad things + a bunch of their stuff blown up and now they get $100bn

This is better for Russia because before they still spent $100bn on military stuff but also they got sanctioned and had their stuff blown up

@TetraspaceGrouping my (non-geopol specialist) take is that russia consistently doesn't want border aggression / instability nearby. this is smart because unstable neighbors eventually cause you problems. in some of these cases the west is trying to flip their shit it turns out that the place russia took over was busy doing a genocide and shit and they showed up to put the kibosh on it.

i don't know much of anything about ukrainepol. some random article was saying its basically like if texas seceded and the fed said how dare you and mexico said actually we acknowledge texan independence and then the rest of the world was like "MEXICO TRYING TO INVADE WORLD" but like

@s8n @TetraspaceGrouping that would be pretty wild considering mexico tried to take us over to begin with :ablobcatgoogly:

@TetraspaceGrouping this assumes Ukraine will very likely loose, right?

@niplav Yep, this does (if Russia is less likely to get anything from invading, charge Russia more, which they would still benefit from because they're spending their military budget for a 1/X change of getting concessions, though it gets less Pareto because money and territory don't quite funge)

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