i keep thinking of mean tweets about like the antiprepping people who say prepping is too hopeful and in fact we should all act really cynical in a way that precludes doing anything but i am not actually prepping so stone meet glass house

"the living will envy the dead" interesting theory! but im not suicidal. "everyone will die" not if youre like 20 miles away from the blast. "you secretly want nuclear war to happen" oh god do you apply this reasoning in your day to day life. "nuclear war wont happen" valid it probably wont. "nuclear war is bad BUT" did you read the tweet. "nuclear war is bad BUT" no really did you read it. "nuclear war is bad BUT" holy shit please its 280 chars you can do it just read the tweet

@TetraspaceGrouping the slightly crazy but super smart uncle who cultivates mushrooms of EA charities

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