Gotta read this site and Cockshott
Also mutual_ayyde should be on the fedi
I can't stand it when people criticize Scott Alexander, whose knowledge of all things is unimpeded, deity of deities, excelling the Ruler of Gods, excelling Brahmā, fearless in the possession of the four kinds of perfect confidence, wielder of the ten powers, and all-seer with unobstructed knowledge.
@methyltheobromine both germanic words as well!
@niplav oh niplav! I like their blog
@longyap immunity bag GET
@niplav correct, there are countably many computable real because there are countably many turing machines and uncountable - countable = uncountable
@niplav interpreting it like code
if (true) { becomeMoreInclinedTowardsCryonics() }
@PoisonDartPepe2 @heidegger14 all moralwhatevers are based, I ❤️ morality, truckers should protest iff it maximises utility
@fluffy oh nooo
Moved to @TetraspaceGrouping