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When Eliezer Yudkowsky wrote HPMOR he eternal september’d LessWrong. This began a gradual shift away from STEM nerd norms to fandom geek norms. The outcomes were largely predictable and uninteresting. More interesting are the failure modes the nerd subculture underwent as things fell apart.

Chapman’s standard account of how this goes is relevant, but the decline looked less like sociopathic sabotage and more like unaligned geeks crowding out the signal.

Beyond intake filters it was socially accelerated by the pathological insistence that you’re not allowed to notice bad faith. The LW focus on ‘agency’ and ‘world saving’ led to a dynamic where traits that 9/10 times imply a generative person in a normal space were faked by geeks for social acceptance. The archetype persona was something like “Hi I’m Jessie, I write fanfiction but want to do AI research as soon as I get over my traumatic childhood.”

girl, are you legible? it’s really hard to tell because it’s not written down whether you are anywhere

Childhood is when you idolize Alice and Bob, Adulthood is when you realize Eve makes more sense

it's hard being a milf. it's hard and nobody understands

to write a perfect tetraspace draft include these 4 elements:
• they/she/it pronouns following mycroft canner rules
• powerful entities / patrons that bring you snacks
• metaphors for wild animal suffering and AI safety
• society of high openness ppl with mental superpowers

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writing every day is fun I have so much stuff in my writing folder

am i out of touch? no, it's the children who are out of time

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a Schelling point for those who seek one