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- all of my dead colonists are stored in the cryochamber, which is at about -220 C currently
- there is a funeral event when all colonists will visit the grave of a dead one to pay respects
- everyone has hypothermia now

come live with us in the Pallas
there’s a rheum waiting for you

getting annoyed at my rimworlds who are incapable of violence even though I would absolutely have that trait if I was a rimworld

cryptofascism but like the rimworld sense of crypto-. so like, idk, rule by compounded investments of ppl in suspended animation? or something? idk I just have the word

editing tweets was the compromise. I want to be able to edit other people’s tweets. Tumblr could do it

either than or we can just nuke some nanotech age cities and have the robots escape and take over the ecosystem then they wont need an ocean

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the ocean is on fire it’s going to burn down and then there won’t be an ocean and we’ll need to refill it with a comet

Undertale follows on immediately from the bad ending of Omori

my fan theory is that the original naturally occurring healing magic was Jean-Luc’s morphing/biokinesis thing and that’s why the healing coven leader has the ) shaped hat

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omori characters as types of posters

sunny - redditor

omori - channer

aubrey - mean girl tumblr user

hero - uses the internet only for talking to family over facebook and professional/academic purposes

kel - twitter user

basil - eboy

mari - somethingawful poster

mari from omori is the weird girl rep i live for

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a Schelling point for those who seek one