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Complaining about US police? Aren’t you worried that will drive violence against innocent Americans?

It's still coooooming home, it's coooooming home, it's coooooming, football's coooooming home

"spinning, rings upon rings and spheres upon spheres, intersecting and within each other, burning antimatter forges suspended in the sky, expeditions to the teliverse, fog, FOG, trees and trees, the Matrioshka, matter optimised for human flourishing finally, (1/2)

"Replacing traditional wood-burning stoves in sub-Saharan Africa with cleaner technology could offset carbon emissions – if people would use them. A Duke team is addressing obstacles that prevent people from changing their practices."

even though GitHub is doing some good things, like violating copyrights on software, they are also doing bad things, like contracting with ICE

to propose any kind of stopping or slowing down crime at all in that kind of environment you need to be a bloodthirsty savage or a clockwork robot, which not everyone is

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US talk of criminal justice is so janked because all prison sentences are 5x longer than they need to be so the costs of any kind of enforcement of anything are enormous

personally I think they should remove the golden snitch from football, like since it’s so much important than everything else there’s no point on even optimising for goals

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a Schelling point for those who seek one