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(ep4) applejack gets burnt the fuck out and decides to quit her well-paying apple farmer job to become a programmer

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compiler: i consent!
code: i consent!
IDE's cached build files: i don't!

type checking: isn't there someone you forgot to ask?

>everything's public bro why bother hiding from the all-seeing eye let's just goosestep down Main Street with giant signs containing sunwheels and our social security numbers
i don't have a real good disaster preparedness rubrick other than making a graph of dependencies for all of your shit and then picking a random node and saying "that node is dead now, carry on"

sometimes this means almost nothing (ex. if netflix goes down .. oh no :blobcatdunno:) but some of the nodes are a big pain in the ass like if google fiber goes down

:cirno_doubt: shit. now i have to read those epubs i downloaded.
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confirming or denying but on purpose to screw over evil parallel versions of me

"is burdened with glorious purpose" is burdened with glorious purpose.


he points the gun at me and i'm like well yeah sorta but i'm not really part of the Gaming Community and i don't really keep up with or care about things most other people do or industry news and-

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a Schelling point for those who seek one