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My third dream in between the two was of a Lab which was also a collaborative web fiction exercise. The goal of the Lab was, I think, to train reinforcement learning agents but like more metaphysical in a dreamy way that’s hard to explain

I got a hotel room and a very unhelpful person who wouldn't grasp simple concepts like "I don't know whether moolins can be converted into ¢ but I only have moolins and all the products seem denominated in ¢ can you help me out here"

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I was dream-skewered into a member of the Collective, which was kind of like the Galactic Federation from Rick and Morty. It quickly became clear that I was not from around there, and actually was born around 1 AV in their calendar system.

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Had a dream I was transported 5000 years into a confusing and alien future

(Also this justified why the procedures were so bureaucratic in the plot - the only reason I, an inexperienced Librarian, knew about the erasure of hypermatter was because the filing procedures called for the use of it, and I was somehow unable to comply with them)

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I said to my dream-coworker “oh god, I won’t even remember hypermatter.”

In memory of hypermatter, which never existed 🥂

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Had a dream working in an anomalous library tracking changes to consensus reality. I was working on a very bureaucratic procedures update when hypermatter was retrospectively erased from reality, requiring matter and antimatter to now be perfectly balanced from then on.

“pain rectangle that exposes you to a constant stream of misery about the world” no no my rectangle shows me cool people who I like posting things like “oboe” and “metta” and “finite factored sets” maybe you have it set wrong

also "ratio" refers specifically to a tweet getting more disapproving replies than likes, idk what you zoomers are up to with your "reply that gets more likes than the original post" but i am not a fan

what if we're living in the homomorphically encrypted world and what we call "Homomorphic Encryption" is actually restoring programs to their true forms

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who do i have to call to remove homomorphic encryption from the platonic structure of mathematics

anakin: you deserve newborn love
padme: only if you’re not bad, right?
padme: only if you’re not bad, right?

By revealed preferences I want much, much longer games with worse graphics and names like “MineToy” which are accidentally Turing complete

I want shorter games with worse graphics made by someone paid nothing to work much less because they’re just some guy in a basement making a game to express their feelings and having something playable come out at the end is merely a nice side-effect

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a Schelling point for those who seek one