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Yes, I'm PUA


if you take caffeine and melatonin at the same time your circadian rhythm takes a screenshot

Symmetry theory of valence implies that Ramiel is best girl

*popular girl voice* sooooo it's like twitter, but anybody can set up a server? and there's no ads? wow, maybe i should make an account too!

Blobs, or flanes as I call them in Spanish, were one of Google's best inventions.
RT @prerationalist
@flancian i miss the blobs

liquid nitrogen hazard lava world

its a frozen volcano. this planet is just immediately done with your shit

@TetraspaceGrouping "bob" is a self-copying piece of information that infects the intersection between large software systems and human psychology by exploiting anthropomorphic empathy in human hosts. It's memetic qualities are comparable to those of chainletters – minimal informational content and highly direct copying instructions. Several distinct strands have been identified, most appealing to tribal and violent instincts of their hosts. Since around 2015, "bob" has not persisted in the incr

☻/ This is bob.
/▌ Copy and paste him
/\ so he can take over fedi.

roguelike with procedurally generated instance drama history

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a Schelling point for those who seek one