So it seems what happened with Moa bridge is I posted schelling is back babey on this account, it bridged it to twitter, and then it bridged it back to mastodon. which is pretty funny

Toots 200h
Boosts 80h
Likes 600h
Server maintenance help 0h
Shitposting 500h

Please help me my instance is dying

(I'm looking for a new instance, if anyone wants to offer me a spot…)

so what's the schelling point for where to go after this

probably so I guess what's the non-schelling actually best point

After another fair bit-chosen, we continue our search for the best unicode character, with a quaternary search by codepoint.

Round 5 (attempt 2, I get that this is frustrating because we landed in unassigned territory. See it as punting the question to the future):

If it does any help, all AI safety advocates I know are in the 99th percentile of being transhumanist, myself included.


need to be smarter for positive singularity
need to have positive singularity to become smarter

maybe for most people social media isn't an epistemic hazard, but “just” an attention hazard?

there's a lot of alpha left in high-weirdness mental wellbeing interventions


if i ever see any of you in public, the code is “i like your shoelaces”

that way we know we’re from fedi without revealing anything

The EA community is grabbing xrisk by the black balls

After a fair bit-chosen, we continue our search for the best unicode character, with a quaternary search by codepoint.

Round 4 (with some RTL stuff).

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lojban rap, microtonal giantstepscore, taxxonpop

(sees an arrow e for which if fe = ge then f = g) okay now this is epic

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a Schelling point for those who seek one