
Hi Fediverse.

Most of my follows here are art posting bots. The Twitter bridge is broken, so the people who were using that don't show up.

Who should I follow here that has fun discussions or cool shitposts?

@WomanCorn some suggestions (regardless whether you follow them already)

@vrorgia (bot with hilarious takes)
@aoife (seems kind of sleeping now)
@pseudoriemann (kiwifarms poster, but often hilarious, take with a large grain of salt) (the display name says it all)
@methyltheobromine (sadposter)
@p (plan9 poster, often extremely long posts)
@Arcana (i argued with them but she was very civil 🥰)

@meeper (indian (?) shitposter)
@schratze (recommended by Niplav™)

If I forgot anyone please complain here

@why (strong craftsman energy, "pants removed successfully")
@7 (pot-smoking urbitoid)

@niplav Oh my goodness, what a haul.

Now my fediverse can be full of people and not just art! Thank you!

@p @WomanCorn @niplav You deserve to be on that list, p! (you truly are a maker of hellthreads, though :blobcatgigglesmirk:)
@helene @WomanCorn @niplav I'm really trying to avoid too many of them lately so that I can get some things done and just use fedi to relax.

July 1! :ocelot:
@meeper @p @WomanCorn @niplav he's a changed man... something must've happened to him, he may be sick?
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