Psst. The whole point of Android is to make it so that it's not economically viable to build your own smartphone.
Only people with preexisting popular properties (Apple) can compete, and that's no guarantee (Palm).
Hakase wears cat ears.
Tsuyoshi (the classmate with a mohawk) engages a medium to test if they can really speak with the dead. (No, they can't.)
Yuuko and Mai play high stakes rock-scissor-paper. (Loser gets hit on the head.)
Yuuko and Mio draw. They disagree on what's cool.
@markosaric @gnome got any hints on migrating an iTunes Library to something open source?
My switch from macOS to Linux
Why did I switch, what I like about @gnome and a guide on how you can try Linux too
@tess that's a good thought on the mechanism of action.
MicroG has been good enough for me so far, but if I run into trouble I'll see if Amazon has a Play-free version.