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Alice: Happy birthday!

Bob: What did you get me?

Alice: An IOU for an Amazon order that promised two day delivery and is now "running late" with no ETA.

A hate subreddit full of horror stories provides proof of existence of bad outcomes, but no evidence of how common it is to have such a bad outcome.

Bob: We need to talk about this.

Alice: If you want to talk about it, I'll talk. If you want to not talk about it, we can not talk. But what I will not do is listen to you lecture me without responding.

So, what do you want?

Bob: let's not talk about it.

It would be nice to be able to make a module that didn't execute is the (very full) browser global environment.

It looks like the ShadowRealm proposal might give a mechanism that does that, but maybe not at the ease I would like.

Effective Utility Monster Summoning tries to find the happiest people in the world and incentivize them to have many children, thus raising the average happiness of humanity.

We've reorganized our web site, breaking every incoming link made in the lat ten years!

The _Sword Art Online_ movie is also out.

I'm guessing there's not a lot of overlap between the two audiences.

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Anime watchers: _My Neighbor Totoro_ is playing in theaters this week. (Sunday, Monday, and Thursday.)

Parasocial relationships are like masturbation: they feel good at the time, but don't lead to anyone getting pregnant.

a family can just be N autists taking turns infodumping at each other

Great news everyone!

Every child in the world has a loving family, and none are waiting in orphanages anymore.

_Seinfeld_ is on Netflix nowadays.

The Festivus episode is Season 9, Episode 10, in case that's useful information for anyone.

Anyway, if you want a relaxing show, this is definitely one to go for.

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Now, I never go camping in the winter, but I do ski, so I know the feel of standing next to an open wood fire hen it's cold outside, and this show totally gave me the urge to do that.

I could go for some chili, TBH.

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The characters are very standard; Nadeshiko is the ditzy, high-energy girl we've all seen before. Rin is the quiet one. Nothing out of the ordinary here, but they do a good job playing them off each other and it's all fun in the end.

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Now, I'd put even money that it was sponsored by the local tourism board, but that's fine.

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None of this is a complaint.

This show is about enjoying the characters having a good time, and it rivals _K-on!_ at that.

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_Seinfeld_ was called a show about nothing, but this leaves it in the dust.

Here's an episode: they arrive at camp, set up their tents and cook dinner.

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The pacing is languid, taking a whole episode to plan a trip, another to arrive at the site and a third to return hone the next day.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one