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I don't know enough category theory and am a bear of v little brain

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is there anything nontrivial here? I guess we are now allowed to write "topological" before anything in FOL and have it make sense
similarly things with some kind of symmetry

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is this true for any FOL structure or am I missing something?
I think it's true for any FOL structure

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slightly silly observation: if your category has products you can write the group axioms in them by pretending it's the category of sets

also it's a question whether the split happens before/after puberty, idk what the state of research is

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theory of the maths gender gap: if you're a kid and you get out onto the left tail it just becomes really isolating and hard to explain to people, and this is something boys cope better with than girls.
(prejudice also plays some role from what I've heard)
RT @_alice_evans
How different are 🇺🇸 men and women?

Men are typically taller.

Less agreeable, less neurotic on average

Zero sex difference for conscientiousness

Extreme in…

maybe I'm just a much worse mathematical optimist than I am a pessimist lol

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Insofar as there are a lot of "elementary" tricks like this for doing mathematics that aren't familiar to people I think this is a hopeful sign -- means there's a lot of low hanging fruit

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I find this thread/anecdote pretty surprising -- to me this type of thinking is quite native to my style of mathematics, and it's Terry Tao!

RT @etirabys
Bihacking is good because it expands your romantic/sexual options and because it probably somewhat equalizes your attitude towards men and women, which I find axiologically desirable.

Similarly, I think being a furry is good because I want to be turned on by more things, and

tbc i think the femboy/trans woman beef is daft
i just wonder what's going on here

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RT @RinRinYikes
I did it
Let's break down what happened and the hierarchy of trans women, cis women, and putting femboy on stream in a small thread 🧵

generally wouldn't feel too bad about not finishing any of these

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An Infinitely Large Napkin, Evan Chen (everything done way too quickly)

The Nature of Computation, Mertens and Moore (eclectic intro to theoretical computer science)

anything by 3blue1brown

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Calculus, M. Spivak (undergrad calculus)

The Higher Arithmetic, H. P. Davenport (undergrad number theory)

generatingfunctionology, Herbert S. Wilf (enumerative combi done with power series)

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ok i guess people might like it if i post some maths resources
the idea is that these are supposed to be pretty readable/understandable for the subject they teach

i have concluded after trying low but still usual doses i am still too estrogenated and my back of the envelope calculations are correct and it is the doctors who are wrong
RT @pawnofcthulhu
so if i take the numbers on my estradiol patches at face value
it looks like i should be starting at uh
1mg/wk EV injections
and my estradiol levels are already pushing the high end of cis female level

esp given the long history this seems like the New Atheist equivalent of 'but there were people in 18th century/antibellum America against slavery!'
i feel like most moral views we think of as modern are much much older than we thought
RT @pawnofcthulhu
i didnt realise this was a thing apparently christianity is less terrible than i thought

looking through people's debates on …

in general i feel like religious culture/theology is too like ... deferential and this causes a lot of important human values and instincts to atrophy

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and no-one seems really able to empathise with the sort of temperament which would cause you to say 'fuck you god' beyond like, "guess you're just sinful or obstinate" which makes it difficult to argue why free will on such matters is important

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a Schelling point for those who seek one