
fucked around and went out with the gf and bought me a new phone and watch with TA money, and had cheesecake

whoa, feelsgoodman.jpg

iphones are so expensive now wtf. I dont care how cutting-edge it is, if i can get a marginally less good product for like 20% of the price it's not fuckin worth it

(yes i know it's a status symbol, this is dumb but well done apple i guess)

the watch is also very cheap and looks good and i Like it

the trick to living in the capitalist hellscape is never buy anything for like 100 years and then enjoy the fuck out of purchasing relatively cheap luxury goods

@amir treat yoself

eat ALL the cake

iphones are lame, glad ur still team android 🤜 🤛

I'm rocking a pixel 2 and it's served me well for 3.5 yrs now haha

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