the *reason* it bothers me in particular tho is that i've been noticing just how much the inferior parts (spoken english and written indonesian) restrict me in expressing myself the way i want
meanwhile when e.g. i'm doing a video call in english, the words that come into my mind feel totally inadequate in conveying what im trying to say
RT @averykimball
@amirism_ practice on video chat with friends, fool
it seems like there's a sort of charisma that one can draw from in both speaking and writing that are each their separate arts; and training one does not perfectly translate to training the other
RT @AbstractFairy
@amirism_ Heard a theory suggesting that literacy is a seperate language from the spoken one
This is *very* clear with arabic. Dialects vs. Fusha. Arabic script vs franco (english keyboard)
i've been writing a big final report for college and i really feel thoughts coming out and taking the form of english words which i have to painstakingly translate into clunky indonesian;