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@niplav That's fun with the sun.

Looks like scp wiki wants more speculative things than weird real life things.

Bitcoin feels, not quite alive, but close. A network of incentives, more dynamic than sunworship

Bitcoin would make a great SCP wiki entry. A melding of asymmetric encryption, secure hashing, network protocols, incentive structures into a point attractor in psycho-space.

A symbiotic alien, who's living byproduct can serve as a money ledger.

Does the wiki have rules against real things?

aquarial boosted

One thing that really struck me while watching the monkeys use BCI in the neuralink presentation is that animal uplifting is going to be enabled _purely as a result_ of testing & development of this tech. Imagine being able to put a voice box on a crow or dolphin eventually

@buster It's a process of Awakening: a broadening of context and relevance. Material needs are the easiest to awaken to because they are strongly selected for. A mind that does not realize it's hungry does not last long.

There are other Awakenings. Exploring them is often a matter of disrupting the current mindset. Strategies like long walks, hot showers, slow stretching, staying up all night, dancing to loud music.

@sitnaltax proving once again that the slippery slope is not a fallacy

function get_by_xpath(path, start) {
if (start == undefined || start == null) { start = document; }
let res = [];
let iter = document.evaluate(path, start, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
while (true) {
let i = iter.iterateNext();
if (i == null) { break; }
return res;

@rrees @codepo8 A fair. I'm using greasemonkey on firefox for very small edits here and there.

Here's a function I use to retrieve elements by xpath. Inspect element righclick node can copy an xpath.

@rrees @codepo8 Strong agree. What tools/scripts do you use?

Greasemonkey tips?

aquarial boosted

@codepo8 's advice at #HalfStackConf to use Dev Tools to edit annoying webpages into something more acceptable has improved my experience of the internet 120% (science). #UX

@niplav The real world can get away with being so insecure because it costs so much to operate in reality compared to cyberspace. Massive proof-of-work burden.

@niplav But the blockchain tech platforms are a long way from replicating "real world" NFTs. The biggest problem is losing keys.

If I lose my drivers license I can apply for another. If I lose my NFT keys it's over. By design. There shouldn't be anyone else with my account access, by the "not your keys, not your coins" principle.

@niplav Part of it is the disconnect between the concept of a non-fungible-token and the current NFT blockchain implementations.

People who don't understand the concept criticize NFTs for bad reasons like "it's just a token who cares". And NFT enthusiasts rightly point out that we care a lot about symbols of things not just the things themselves.

aquarial boosted

Risks to Mastodon with increasing popularity 

Interesting comment on Hackernews regarding a possible scenario/long term risk should Mastodon threaten the corporate sphere of social media.

@wistahe @typeswitch

Russell's well behaving set (the set of all sets that contain themselves does contain itself)

Eg: Choosing to run faster when one should have given up. (obviously can't will oneself to run faster than physically possible. But the internal experience is a going to feel like free will in some way)

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I claim free should should be associated with the feeling of taking actions aligned with internalized principles, especially when those are at the cost of comfort, safety, or status.

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Anger is associated with actions of recklessness. Happiness with actions of play.

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One way free will can exist in a deterministic world is by interpreting it as an emotion. Similar to anger, happiness, pride, etc.

@dansinker I hope you get a good grade in friendship; Something that's normal to want and possible to achieve

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a Schelling point for those who seek one