Since it has crossed my eyes once more, let me just take a moment out of my day to reassure you that if there is a stupider and more patently disingenuous meme out there, I have not yet seen it this morning.

I have seen many variants of this meme, and one day, I hope one of these caring folks will have the empathic chops to realize that what makes people mad is invariably _step two_.

Further to that last, I also saw a CNBC anchor quoted as saying:

"That would require the U.S. military to fire missiles into Yemen and I'm not sure they want to do that."

Bro, have you even met the US military?

“I’m jousting for cyclists, what does it look like?”

This? This is what happens when a scab from a previous cut comes loose in mid-wiring, positioned just right to squirt enough blood into the neutral connector to turn it into a damn phylactery.

vexillophobes beware, i hate [your] politics 

Raised at last!

(I deem this the perfect flag for the Actual Libertarian Movement, composed of those of us disdaining both rightist sociofascism and leftist econofascism. And, increasingly these days, vice versa.)

Today, I am engaging in post-Fed-raid therapy through having yard signs printed:

July 15/16:

Are there any kissing and/or intimacy scenes in your story? How comfortable are you with writing kissing/intimacy scenes?

The protractor in question’s a very nice instrument, actually.

If family history is accurate, it was originally my paternal grandfather’s, who picked it up in Archangelsk during the Second World War. Both he and my father were British Merchant Navy.

In the picture is the bin I use to store failed 3D prints and filament ends for recycling, that they emptied onto the floor so they could throw my stuff in it.

Can you read the title on that CD they threw in last?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one