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Today, in an attempt to explain the close relationship between muse (internal AI assistant/constant companion) and soph in emotional rather than technical terms, my brain ended up at

"...and this is my internal life-mate, Silent Bob."

I just had a cog slip in my brain and wrote an article for my notes about the Imperial Navy and its "pretty officers".

I mean, not that they don't *have* those, but still...

Among the joys of designing financial systems for SF universes of varying tech/dev level is the moment when you realize that the ultratech galactic transaction clearing system requires an error handler for “payment delayed due to sick bullock”.

Incidentally, while I usually boost my writing here when I post it, if you just want that without my other weird ramblings and sarcasm, you can follow it alone at @avatar .

On another note, my writing is seeing a lot of traffic from recently, which seems to be a Chinese search engine?

Mistake me not, I'm happy to have the readers, but I do wonder if this is the first step towards being banned in China (again).

In _Dune_, the Missionaria Protectiva planted legends of a Messiah for their own later use.

In the , the equivalent organization planted legends of the Fair Folk to remind people to honor their contracts and not fuck around with the pretty and pointy-eared.

From a discussion of importing cars from the to Earth today:

"I'd think cars would be one of the less likely export products myself, for a couple of reasons.

(Leaving aside trying to get the State of California to allow anything powered by a radiothermal generator on the roads, obviously, and also throwing a dozen hissy fits about how the space tech bros are broing the space tech. Bro.)

((Gods, I hate that abbrev.))"

Alas, this is the post in which I must admit that I screwed up and got those numbers the wrong way around, a pulse being ~ 0.75 s.

By way of apology, another trivia item:

The gift shop at the Golden Tower (i.e., Gilea and Company’s headquarters, in Mer Covales, Seranth - right outside the museum of finance on the mezzanine level) sells both gold foil-wrapped chocolates and chocolate-covered gold bars.

_The former are more expensive._

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'verse trivia: The Imperial electrical grid, for those curious, operates at 72 cycles/pulse, which in Earth terms is approximately 54 Hz.

(Yes, I worldbuild too much.)

All this time and it's only just occurred to me that Tom from _The Good Life_ is perhaps the example I was looking for in explaining the typical AI revolt in the 'verse.

Twenty years a reliable company man and then one day decides no, sod all this, I'm gonna do self-sufficiency in Greater London instead.

The terribly annoying (to people who want their minions controllable) power of choice.

Coming tomorrow: the history of frameslip rings, including the absolute Heath Robinson way of hiding them beneath the armor of capital ships.


The official motto of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps (presented here in Latin for the benefit of Terran readers) is *Aut Civilitam Aut Mortem* ("Either [Civilization|Civility] Or Death").

For the purposes of hull classification, the boundary between ‘warmoon’ and ‘dirigible battle planet’ is set, approximately, to “Oh, gods, my Roche limit!”

Randomly wondering what the very libertarian denizens of the would think of being accused of that old Earth standby, "rugged individualism".

Something, I think, along the lines of:

"Don't be silly. We prefer soft, squishy individualism, with lots of cushions and fancy coffee. Also puppies. Puppies are good."

7/8: What does your MC see when they look out their bedroom window/door?

Door: an oak desk that hides a terminal inside, a comfortable leather armchair, and the repeater display for Fleet Systems Monitor.

Window: well, it's not a window. She lives aboard _Pyrethrin Nebula_, and the flag quarters are nowhere near the surface of the dozens of meters of armor a BD has. Her holowindow can simulate almost anywhere, but usually simulates "space, ahead, false-color on".

8/6: MC POV: Have you ever kept a secret from your closest friend? If so, why?


"I'm an admiral in the Imperial Navy. Most of my professional life has a classification attached, and unless you're one of the less-than-two-dozen people with GOLD STORMCROW HEXAGON clearance - which he isn't - I'm keeping secrets from you. Or killing you. You pick.

"Wait. Are you even cleared to know that there is such a thing as GOLD STORMCROW HEXAGON clearance...?"

8/5: Does your MC have any pictures of themselves with friends or family? Why / why not?

Oh, of course. Pictures, memory-mathoms, dossiers of their personal weaknesses...

...we're House Sargas, remember? If I didn't try to assassinate my sister every few months, she'd think I'd lost all respect for her, and I care about her far too much to let that happen.

But yes, as much as any other member of my sentimental race.

For reference this month, folks, my MC of the month will be Caliéne Sargas. Yes, for those who've seen my work, that would be Admiral Caliéne "the Worldburner" Sargas-ith-Sargas, the small blonde lady who terrifies the Galaxy more than every superweapon in storage at Palaxias combined, and whose _Sera Esklav_ is far more intimidating than any hot-drink machine has the right to be.

This should be fun.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one