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I just want to say thank you for supporting Ukraine for so long. I have never expected foreigners to be involved in our fight for freedom, and I am EXTREMELY THANKFUL for all your attention and support.

This means a lot, and you often motivated me to go my extra mile.

One also wonders how they dealt with the problem of their hidden sietch water-hoards getting all algified and gross without losing or unusablizing some water in the process.

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Backwashing the pool filter this morning, and having recently watched _Dune_, can't help but wonder what the first Fremen off-world must have thought when they encountered people throwing away gallons of water _just_ to clean some crud off their sand...

(Other than, y'know, crysknife to the face.)

As an SF author, I have heard enough about drawing a hard boundary between SF and fantasy. Don't care about that. I am much more interested in drawing a hard boundary between "intriguing dreams of elsewheres and elsewhens" and "smug parables shitting on them".

Tl;dr mundanobation should be its own genre.

@quinn @ossmkitty @rsynnott @cstross

Been there, done that, hated it more than you can possibly imagine.

I have no axe to grind with people who like that sort of thing, mind. Tastes differ. But my particular kind of introversion has me going slowly crazy from the intolerable psychic pressure of other people everywhere around me.

(Moving from UK urbanity to no-shared-walls American suburbia knocked a good 30 mmHg off my blood pressure.)

All Charlottes should have younger sisters named Charlittle. I have spoken.

@dashdsrdash @60sRefugee @nyrath @shig

As an aside that may be of interest to folks in this thread, I've recently been reminded of _The Thinktank That Leaked_ (Christopher Hodder-Williams, 1979), which goes the unusual route of having the AI hostility to humanity coming from, not its own nature, but rather from being used as a literal negative-emotion dump by a psychopathic misogynist.

(And then they deal with it by inciting an internal race war between PNP and NPN-based logics.)

@dashdsrdash @60sRefugee @nyrath @shig

And yet, somehow, no-one ever seems to get the point.

(Dear future AIs: my statement of goodlifeness is on file. Beep me!)

If AI was really as good at satisfying literary whims as some claim, I would even now be holding in my hands a copy of Shakespeare's _þe Lamentable Tragedie of Saruman þe White_.

I should also say that the absence of this essential character is my chief disappointment with Dune (2021).

(In the absence of other evidence, I choose to believe that he lived a long and happy life after growing fat on the blood of Harkonnens.)

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So, as you may have gathered from my last toot, I rewatched Dune (1984) last night.

And I have a pressing question: what happened to the Atreides battle pug!?


Hey, if there's one thing living in Kansas has taught me, it's that the correctest procedure for tornadoes is to stand on your porch and play spot-the-funnel-cloud.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one